Gate Breaker Ministries
Breaking down the gates of oppression through education.
We are committed to providing education which will propel people into greater levels of freedom. Whether through primary and trade schools in Pakistan, training for pastors in Kenya, yearly tours through Israel, or informational courses on cults, world religions, and other relevant topics, we are passionately invested in breaking down the gates of oppression through education.
For 10 + years, we have partnered with local leaders to provide education for children who are forced to work in the brickyards and women in need of vocational training. We have 25 schools in operation and just raised $200,000 to build a secondary school that will host 300+ kids!
We are currently raising money to support the children in our Pakistan schools. We ask that you please partner with us in prayer (the most important resource!) as we work toward this goal! To partner with us financially, click below.
Since 2009, GBM has been helping to host and provide education at the Kenya College of Ministry. KCOM has equipped hundreds of pastors in Kenya and the surrounding regions with three-year diplomas related to theology and practical ministry.
From Early Church history to cults and world religions to the remarkable testimony of our founder, Dr. Stan Fleming , we have consolidated some of GBM’s best educational resources just for you! Click below to access videos, articles, and mp3s.
Each year, GBM hosts an educational tour through Israel. The team visits significant historical areas such as Jerusalem, the Dead Sea, Tiberius, and more - diving into the Bible with experts and praying together along the way. Stay tuned for information about our next trip.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out to us with general inquiries or comments. You can also journey with us by following us Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook - or subscribing to receive email updates below!